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Scottish Autism Response to Programme for Government

Following the Scottish Government's publication of the Programme for Government, Scottish Autism Chief Executive, Dorry McLaughlin, has responded:

"The Scottish Government’s announcement that social care frontline pay will not increase to £12 an hour until the next budget is bitterly disappointing.

"We have made the case for an immediate uplift, backdated to April 2023, alongside sector colleagues.

"We have surveyed our staff and they are telling us that they are struggling now, with many finding themselves in financial hardship, which is affecting their well-being.

"The simple reality is that by 2024, £12 an hour will be worth less than it would be today, and with a sector already in crisis this announcement lacks the sense of urgency that is required.

"It also contains no acknowledgement of how the settlements provided to our sector have failed to keep pace with comparative roles in local government and the NHS.

"The Scottish Government needs to reconsider the timescales of this announcement, and to do so urgently."



Scottish Autism’s staff survey shows that in the last twelve months (from 267 frontline staff respondents):

16% have used a foodbank

66% have borrowed money from family/friends to get by

26% have fallen behind with/missed council tax payments

19% have fallen behind with/missed rent/mortgage payments