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Policy into Practice

Supporting the Development of ASD Accreditation Standards for Trainers and Developing Personal Accreditation Routes for ASD Training Participants

Dunlop, A.W., Tait, C. and Robinson, A. (2009) - Edinburgh: The Scottish Government.


Summary of focus

Policy into practice project report on the outcomes of a 2 year Scottish Government funded collaborative project between The Scottish Society for Autism and The National Centre for Autism Studies. The aim of the project was to develop a system of accreditation or approval for award and non- award bearing training in autism and autism trainers.

Outcomes & Conclusions

Continuing development of an autism training approval scheme via the development of a customised award; The Certificate in Training in Autism. This award to be developed by ongoing collaboration between The National Centre for Autism Studies and The Scottish Society for Autism and validated by The Scottish Qualifications Authority.