Enabling Happy, Healthy and Fulfilling Lives
Our Approach
We place wellbeing at the heart of our practice, and our approach is designed to meet the specific needs of autistic people. Our support provision is aligned to seven statements that we believe define ethical autism practice.
A focus on wellbeing enables happy, healthy and fulfilling lives - we don’t start with how someone behaves, but how they feel. Promoting physical health, positive psychology and stress reduction are key to our approach.
Understanding communication enables us to listen to a person’s individual voice and choice - choice and control over our lives are a fundamental aspect of wellbeing and a human right. Understanding autistic communication and communicative intent provides the means for supported autistic people to have a real say in the way their services are run and to make meaningful choices about their lives.
By understanding thinking styles we can support individuals to plan their life and achieve their aspirations - understanding autistic cognitive differences and developmental trajectories allows us to recognise diverse thinking styles and to support individuals to live a meaningful life on their own terms.
Positive interactions nurture meaningful relationships and supportive communities - we believe that positive relationships are a crucial element of wellbeing. Instead of seeing ‘impairments’ in social interaction we aim to enable positive interactions between practitioners and supported people, and to nurture relationships between autistic people and those around them.
Low stress environments provide safe space for personal growth - we understand the role the environment can play in enabling and disabling people with differences in sensory processing. Our practitioners seek to minimise sensory stress and provide calm, empowering spaces for supported people
Continuous learning empowers us to share and apply knowledge - we are committed to providing continuous learning for our practitioners. Our learning pathway combines online resources with coaching and critical reflection on day-to-day support practice..
Collaboration with families and agencies encourages holistic support for individuals - collaboration is one of our organisational values and it enables us to achieve the best outcomes for autistic people. Building on a supported person’s expressed wishes and goals, we work with families and allied professionals to build a shared understanding of what best outcomes look like for each person
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