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Autistic Adults Peer Support Network

Fife One Stop Shop

Home > Events > Fife One Stop Shop > Autistic Adults Peer Support Network

Event Information

Our One Stop Shop supports hundreds of people across Fife every year. From emotional support to understanding an autism diagnosis to support with transitions; the team are here to offer advice to autistic people, their families, friends and professionals. 

​The Autistic Peer Support Network is for autistic adults 18+ throughout Fife. The group is led by an autistic staff member and provides a relaxed and friendly space for peer support and general discussion and an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Please register to secure your place by emailing A member of the team will be in touch to confirm and provide more information.

If you would like to chat with the group host, or arrange a visit to the One Stop Shop before you come to the group, please contact us by emailing or telephone 01592 645350

Meet the Host - Leoni Jorna, Community Advisor

Leoni is a new addition to the One Stop Shop team as of July 2024 and started her career in the care sector where she worked for five years. This was initially in dementia focused care in the community and later she supported young people in a secure care setting for a further three years. She then completed her BSc (Hons) in Psychology and moved into a mental health practitioner role at Barnardo's where she worked for around one year.

'I am neurodivergent myself and am passionate about supporting people to succeed in ways that are meaningful to them. I am very excited to be working with the One Stop Shop and making a difference to individuals and families in Fife.'

Tuesday, November 26, 2024 - 13:00 to 14:30
New Volunteer House
16 Fergus Place

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Date: Tuesday 26th November 2024

Time: 1pm - 2.30pm

Location: One Stop Shop, Ground Floor, New Volunteer House, 16 Fergus Place, Kirkcaldy, KY1 1XT 

Maximum number of attendees: 8