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Inclusive Governance webinar

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Inclusive governance at Scottish Autism
Meaningful participation in decision-making at all levels

In 2021 Scottish Autism commissioned a consortium of autistic-led organisations to undertake a programme of work to advise us on how to develop more inclusive governance. The National Autistic Taskforce (NAT), Autism Rights Group Highland (ARGH) and Autistic Mutual Aid Society Edinburgh (AMASE) have undertaken a wide-ranging consultation and analysis of the organisation’s practices and structures. The consortium have produced a detailed report outlining the steps towards the meaningful inclusion of autistic people in decision-making across the organisation.

This webinar will share the findings of that report as Scottish Autism begins the journey towards more inclusive practice and governance.

Members of the Scottish Autism team will outline the background to the project while members of the consortium will share the analysis and recommendations made in the Inclusive Governance Report.

This will be an opportunity for anyone involved or interested in the project to hear about our journey and commitment to improving inclusion.

Speakers Include: Yo Dunn, strategic lead of the National Autistic Taskforce and other members of the project team, and Dorry McLaughlin, Chief Executive of Scottish Autism

Find out more about the project here.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023 - 10:00 to 12:00

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Event Details:

Date:  Wednesday 13th December 2023
Time: 10am - 12pm
Location:  Online via Zoom

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